Neoprene wetsuit: everything you need to know about maintenance

Combinaison néoprène : tout savoir sur l'entretien - Zeus Surf

Maintaining your neoprene suit: complete guide

Your neoprene wetsuit is your best friend. It protects you from the cold, allows you to surf longer and offers you incomparable comfort in the waves. But, like any lasting relationship, it needs attention and care.

Did you know that a well-maintained wetsuit can last twice as long? Imagine the savings and additional years of enjoyment you can get!

In this article, discover the ultimate secrets to keeping your wetsuit in perfect condition. Follow our simple tips and enjoy your passion without worrying about premature wear.

So, ready to give your wetsuit the love it deserves? Let's go !

Handlebar C Monsta

Introduction: why maintain your wetsuit?

Neoprene is a technical material used in many equipment: surf suits, diving shoes, gloves, etc. Its insulating properties allow you to stay warm even in very cold water.

The problem is that neoprene is sensitive to certain factors which will cause premature wear: UV rays, heat, chemicals, etc. Not to mention the salt in sea water which acts as an abrasive.

Result: in the absence of maintenance, your neoprene wetsuit can deteriorate very quickly. As it wears out, your suit loses its elasticity and its insulating capabilities. Not to mention the bacteria that can take hold.

Fortunately, you can maximize the life of your equipment with a few simple steps. Extend the life of equipment, forget about bad odors.

Discover in this article the ultimate guide to neoprene maintenance.

  1. Rinse thoroughly with clean water

The first rule after each session is to rinse your wetsuit or neoprene accessory thoroughly. Salt, sand, sunscreen... All these impurities must be eliminated quickly.

  • Use cold fresh water
  • Remember to turn the suit inside out to wash the inside as well.
  • Emphasize closures, seams and joints

A pressurized jet (garden shower type) is ideal for dislodging all encrusted dirt.

You can also use a large basin of clean water for rinsing.

This rinsing helps maintain the waterproofness and elasticity of your neoprene by preventing it from becoming encrusted with residue.

Pro tips: to wash your wetsuit outdoors and indoors

Outdoors , use a garden hose with a powerful jet to dislodge all the dirt. Rinse your wetsuit in a shaded area to prevent the neoprene from drying too quickly. Then hang it on a wide hanger to air dry.

Indoors , in your bathroom, opt for rinsing in a bathtub or shower with cold fresh water. Scrub dirty areas, such as zippers and seams, using a soft brush. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residue. Finally, hang the suit on a wide hanger in a well-ventilated area to air dry.

  1. Dry in the shade

Once rinsed, it is essential to dry your neoprene correctly. Enemies to absolutely avoid:

  1. Drying in the sun : UV rays damage the fibers
  2. Heat : it dries out and cracks the neoprene

Ideal drying is done at room temperature, in the shade , avoiding any stretching or deformation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Turn the suit inside out to start from the inside
  2. Hang by the waist on a wide support or a specific hanger.
  3. Ventilating it with a fan will increase the drying speed

Make sure both sides are completely dry before storing your neoprene.

Be careful not to hang your wet suit on a hanger at shoulder level. You risk deforming them due to the weight of the water. The neoprene will deform and you risk damaging your wetsuit.

  1. Use a special disinfectant and stain remover

Rinsing is crucial, but it is not enough . In fact, residues of perspiration, sunscreen, salt and sand can become embedded in the fabric of your neoprene suit. These invisible enemies can cause stubborn odors, promote the degradation of neoprene and ultimately reduce the lifespan of your equipment.

The solution ? Regular deep cleaning with a special neoprene disinfectant and stain remover.

surfer with one two surfboards

Why use a special product?

  • Conventional household products can be too aggressive and damage neoprene.
  • Special neoprene disinfectants and stain removers are formulated to eliminate bacteria, mold and odors without damaging the material.
  • They can also help dissolve salt and sand, which can build up in the fibers and weaken the suit.

How to use a special disinfectant and stain remover?

  • Dilute the product according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Let your wetsuit soak in the solution for 30 minutes.
  • Scrub particularly dirty areas with a soft brush.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Dry your suit in the open air, in the shade.

Additional Tips:

  • Rinse your suit after each use , even if you don't clean it thoroughly.
  • Inspect your suit regularly for signs of wear and degradation.
  • If you use your wetsuit in cold water , clean it more often.
  • Never use harsh chemicals like bleach or gasoline to clean your suit.

By following these tips and using a special neoprene disinfectant and stain remover, you will maximize the life of your wetsuit and enjoy your aquatic sessions with complete confidence!

Which neoprene suit disinfectant to choose?

The instructions are simple:

  • Mix the product in 5 liters of cold water
  • Soak the suit for 30 min
  • Gently rub the stains
  • Rinse thoroughly

Repeat this deep wash once a month.

  1. No machine, iron or dryer!

Many websites advise washing neoprene wetsuits in the washing machine. Warning: this is a bad idea! Here is why this method should be avoided:

  • Mechanical aggression damages the seams
  • The drum weakens and stretches the fibers
  • Laundry detergents are too corrosive for neoprene
  • Drying in a tumble dryer or ironing will completely damage your suit.
  1. Storage Tips

Even if used occasionally, a neoprene suit must be stored carefully between two outings.

  • Do not compress it : avoid storing it in an airtight bag
  • Ambient temperature : no damp or overheated premises
  • Sheltered from the sun : even through a window!

For a surf wetsuit, prefer vertical storage on a wide C-type Monsta hanger .

You can also roll it up without folding it for flat storage.

Accessories for drying your wetsuit

The C Monsta Hanger

C-monsta offers durable wetsuit drying hangers made from recycled materials, designed to extend the life of your equipment while saving space, time and money.

C monsta

The Dry Wetsuit from Surf Logic

Forget your hairdryer to dry your wetsuit.

Designed for rapid drying in 20 minutes thanks to its powerful 6,000 liters per minute air circulation system, intelligent heat control and easy-to-store compact size. Its price 199€

The ultimate for surfing in winter with a dry suit .


By following these few neoprene maintenance tips, you will considerably extend the life of your wetsuit.

Tips for a successful interview:

  • Rinse after each use
  • Dry at room temperature, in the shade
  • Regular deep cleaning with specific disinfectant
  • Store flat, without compression, at room temperature
  • No washing machine

A surfer taking off a surf suit

With these few tips, maintaining your neoprene wetsuit

Summary in a few key points:

Our advice for a neoprene suit that lasts longer:

After each session:

  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Dry in the shade at room temperature.

Regularly :

  • Clean thoroughly with a special neoprene disinfectant.
  • Do not use a washing machine, dryer or iron.

For storage:

  • Store flat or hanging, without compression.
  • Avoid humid, hot and sunny places.

By following these simple tips, you will maximize the lifespan of your neoprene wetsuit and fully enjoy your sea trips!

Useful resources

a surfer with a zeus board

Complete FAQ for maintaining your neoprene suit

How to properly maintain your neoprene suit?

Follow the following steps after each session:

  1. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  2. Leave to dry in the shade at room temperature.
  3. Clean thoroughly regularly with a special neoprene disinfectant product.

Which cleaning soap for neoprene wetsuits?

Do not use regular soap, as it can damage the neoprene. Opt for a mild soap or a special neoprene disinfectant product .

How to disinfect a neoprene suit?

Dilute a special neoprene disinfectant product in water and let your wetsuit soak for 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

How to store a surf suit?

A: The best way to store a wetsuit is to hang it on a waist-wide hanger . Avoid hanging your suit by the shoulders. Store your wetsuit in a dry, cool place , away from the sun. Also avoid folding or compressing it.

All our advice applies to neoprene wetsuits for surfing, lunging , triathlon , canyoning , kitesurfing , diving and all board sports.


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