Zeus School
Volume :
Recommended rider weight
+100 Kilos
Rider level :
Wave type :
Fins supplied
Housing type :
Fin configuration
In surfing, board size is measured in terms of the Anglo-Saxon unit of length, the foot, which corresponds to approximately 30.48 cm.
👉🏻 Our size chart Zeus 👈🏻
Want to know more about the different Zeus board constructions and find the one that's right for you? Discover our complete guide which reveals all the secrets behind the manufacture of our boards, from choice of materials to assembly and accessories.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced surfer, we explain the advantages and specific features of each construction to help you make your choice.

Les Constructions Zeus
Epoxy & Soft
Zeus foam boards are available in 2 main families.
An Epoxy range and a 100% Soft range.

EVA deck

Lay Up
Read more
The Shape of the board

Mini Malibu

The Rocker

The tail
